Additional Information
SLASH REMOVAL: The Pinehaven Planning Board has arranged to have Cory Larsen pick up small quantities of slash that are placed along the roadside during the summer. Although the Pinehaven Planning Board is paying for the pickup of small quantities of slash, contributions are needed and welcomed. The pickups help minimize the fire danger and keep Pinehaven looking good. Your financial support helps us put more money toward the roads. Your contribution can be made with the Snowplow Fund Contribution, payment information can be found here.
If you cut down a tree or have a large amount of slash, please contact Cory Larsen directly at 208-681-7185 to arrange to have him haul it off.
WEED ABATEMENT: An annual weed abatement is performed by the county. If you don't want your property sprayed, you will be able to opt-out by signing up on a list at the mailbox. You will have to clearly mark your property boundaries if you don't want your land sprayed. The actual spraying will be done at the time chosen by the County Weed Control Officer, usually in the late fall. The spraying is done selectively for certain weeds, and the entire area is not sprayed.
The Pinehaven Planning Board pays for spraying the entire Pinehaven property. This avoids having everyone write small checks and minimize the bookkeeping for the county.
DUST ABATEMENT: Dust abatement is performed in late spring/early summer to control the dust on the roads during the dry summer months.
BEARS: Grizzly bears have been known to visit us. Keep all your garbage and other foods locked to avoid attracting bears, wolves, or other animals. Bird feeders are also discouraged. You are encouraged to report any bear sightings or concerns to Idaho Fish & Game, Chris Johnson at 208-390-0629.
ROADS: Annual road maintenance is generally required after the winter season.
If you cut down a tree or have a large amount of slash, please contact Cory Larsen directly at 208-681-7185 to arrange to have him haul it off.
WEED ABATEMENT: An annual weed abatement is performed by the county. If you don't want your property sprayed, you will be able to opt-out by signing up on a list at the mailbox. You will have to clearly mark your property boundaries if you don't want your land sprayed. The actual spraying will be done at the time chosen by the County Weed Control Officer, usually in the late fall. The spraying is done selectively for certain weeds, and the entire area is not sprayed.
The Pinehaven Planning Board pays for spraying the entire Pinehaven property. This avoids having everyone write small checks and minimize the bookkeeping for the county.
DUST ABATEMENT: Dust abatement is performed in late spring/early summer to control the dust on the roads during the dry summer months.
BEARS: Grizzly bears have been known to visit us. Keep all your garbage and other foods locked to avoid attracting bears, wolves, or other animals. Bird feeders are also discouraged. You are encouraged to report any bear sightings or concerns to Idaho Fish & Game, Chris Johnson at 208-390-0629.
ROADS: Annual road maintenance is generally required after the winter season.