Pinehaven ordinances
Several years after the covenants were in place, it became necessary to add the Pinehaven ordinances to codify actions that might affect the health and safety of residents. Ordinances are meant to help control and enhance our ability to live in harmony with each other and with the environs.
1. Killing of any animals is prohibited within the confines of Pinehaven or North Pinehaven, including squirrels, rock chucks, and chipmunks. (7/5/68)
2. No firearms shall be fired in Pinehaven or North Pinehaven, other than shotguns along the river during duck season only. (8/15/70)
3. There shall be no trash or garbage disposal in Pinehaven or North Pinehaven. Refuse must be taken to a public dump out of the area. (8/15/70). (A collection firm may be used.)
4. A maximum speed limit of 10 miles per hour shall pertain to any and all vehicles. (7/10/99)
5. If roads and/or easements are dug up or otherwise disrupted in any way by individuals or organizations (e.g., buried cable, water pipes, etc.), the road must be returned to its original condition by whoever was responsible for tearing it up. (9/5/70)
6. The property owner of record selling any lot in Pinehaven or North Pinehaven shall advise the Planning Board of the name and address of the new owner, the date of transfer of ownership and title, and the block and lot number of the land being sold. This information shall be sent within 30 days of date of sale to the secretary of the Planning Board. (9/6/71)
7. Restrict noise levels. No racing of small engines including snow machines, chain saws, motor driven vehicles, etc., after 10 p.m. or before 8 a.m. (9/2/72)
8. For the protection of trees and private property, snowmobiles, motorcycles, and similar all-terrain vehicles are restricted to the use of regular plotted roads only (not open land), and then as a means of entering or leaving the area, or for going from point to another, rather than repeat trips over and over the same area. (9/2/72)
9. All motorized vehicles driven on Pinehaven roads shall be driven by state licensed drivers or drivers holding a state driving permit who are accompanied by a licensed driver. (7/12/97)
2. No firearms shall be fired in Pinehaven or North Pinehaven, other than shotguns along the river during duck season only. (8/15/70)
3. There shall be no trash or garbage disposal in Pinehaven or North Pinehaven. Refuse must be taken to a public dump out of the area. (8/15/70). (A collection firm may be used.)
4. A maximum speed limit of 10 miles per hour shall pertain to any and all vehicles. (7/10/99)
5. If roads and/or easements are dug up or otherwise disrupted in any way by individuals or organizations (e.g., buried cable, water pipes, etc.), the road must be returned to its original condition by whoever was responsible for tearing it up. (9/5/70)
6. The property owner of record selling any lot in Pinehaven or North Pinehaven shall advise the Planning Board of the name and address of the new owner, the date of transfer of ownership and title, and the block and lot number of the land being sold. This information shall be sent within 30 days of date of sale to the secretary of the Planning Board. (9/6/71)
7. Restrict noise levels. No racing of small engines including snow machines, chain saws, motor driven vehicles, etc., after 10 p.m. or before 8 a.m. (9/2/72)
8. For the protection of trees and private property, snowmobiles, motorcycles, and similar all-terrain vehicles are restricted to the use of regular plotted roads only (not open land), and then as a means of entering or leaving the area, or for going from point to another, rather than repeat trips over and over the same area. (9/2/72)
9. All motorized vehicles driven on Pinehaven roads shall be driven by state licensed drivers or drivers holding a state driving permit who are accompanied by a licensed driver. (7/12/97)