New construction / remodeling
In order that any new construction or remodeling meets the Pinehaven Covenants, an "Excavation, New Construction, Remodeling Application" form must be presented to the Pinehaven Planning Board for approval. The Board has developed a standard form for the purpose, and copies have been provided to local realtors for distribution. The package includes a list of needed permits, a formal definition of exterior materials and finished (including samples or color photos of exterior materials, roofing, siding, etc.), a plot of the site showing all setbacks, septic system locations, ancillary structures, and a place for phone numbers of the owner and building. This form must be submitted to the board before construction can begin.
The purpose of this form is to ensure proper guidelines are followed and new builders won't have to undo mistakes at considerable costs to themselves. It is also meant to be a guide for those new to the area and Fremont County. It is necessary that builders leave roads in good condition, keep building areas clear of materials that could damage vehicles, including snowplows, and pick up construction litter. Property owners are also responsible for covering or filling in septic tank test holes within 48 hours after the Fremont County Health Department has issued approval.
Forms are available from the current Building Administrator of the Pinehaven Planning Board or can be downloaded here.
The purpose of this form is to ensure proper guidelines are followed and new builders won't have to undo mistakes at considerable costs to themselves. It is also meant to be a guide for those new to the area and Fremont County. It is necessary that builders leave roads in good condition, keep building areas clear of materials that could damage vehicles, including snowplows, and pick up construction litter. Property owners are also responsible for covering or filling in septic tank test holes within 48 hours after the Fremont County Health Department has issued approval.
Forms are available from the current Building Administrator of the Pinehaven Planning Board or can be downloaded here.