Once again it is time to contribute to the snowplow fund. The cooperative snow plowing program benefits cabin owners through a shared maintenance contract to keep our roads clear in the winter months. Maintaining our roads in the winter prevents roadbed damage, provides access for emergency vehicles, and makes winter visits easier. The road and driveways will be plowed when one of the four following conditions exists: (1) Eight inches of normal, dry snow; (2) Five inches of wet, sloppy snow, (3) Meltdown conditions when road base deteriorates, or (4) Windy conditions when snowdrifts pile up to a foot or more. As a reminder, after a heavy snowfall the priorities are the main roads, then the side roads where there are residents who have paid for full-time plowing, followed by the driveways. The main roads are considered to be the access roads - Pinehaven, North Pinehaven, Bull Moose, West Pinehaven, and East Pinehaven, and the loops on the south and north ends. The other roads are considered to be side roads, and the only ones plowed are those where a cabin owner has paid into the snowplow fund.
Snow Plow Contributions Basic Contribution: $200 Weekender: $400 Full-time: $500 In the winter of 2021-2022 our snowplow contributions were $$45,715.00, and our expenses were $49,362.50. We now have reserves of $20,000.00 in the event we have a heavy snow year. Basic: $200 fee from every cabin owner to plow main roads during the winter season. Please note that this does not include plowing of your driveway. About half of owners pay this, and if all owners contribute it's more equitable to help keep the roads clear. Weekender: $400 ($200 + $200 for the weekend service) from owners who use their cabins during the winter or would like guaranteed winter access. Driveways will be plowed once a week on Thursday or before a mid-week holiday. Only main arteries will be cleared if a storm occurs on a Saturday or Sunday. Residential: $500 ($200 + $300 for full-time service) from year-round residents or anyone requiring assured access on a frequent basis. This ensures that driveways are plowed as conditions dictate. Late Fee: Please send in your payment no later than November 1, 2023, if you choose to participate in the Weekender or Residential plow program. Due to problems the Board has had over the years, any late payments will incur a $75 late fee. No late payments will be accepted after November 30. Anyone who has not paid by November 30 will be responsible for their own snow removal. PLEASE NOTE: The Weekender fee means that you should not expect your driveway to be clear if you come up on a Thursday. DO NOT expect or request to have your driveway cleared early. Any special plow requests will cost $75, payable before the time of service. Ron Heck and Matt Heck will be doing the plowing this winter. If you have any problems, we request that you contact one of the following Board Members: Mark Searle at (208) 360-0805, or Mary Noonan, at (801) 550-8333. We thank you for your cooperation and support. YOUR DRIVEWAY SHOULD BE CLEARLY MARKED. NO ITEMS SHOULD BE LEFT ON THE GROUND. Materials in the driveway can damage the plow equipment. This equipment has been damaged several times each winter and has not only delayed the plowing operations but it has cost money to make the repairs. If any plow equipment is damaged while clearing a driveway, the owner may be liable for the costs to repair the plow and will cause a delay in clearing the other driveways at Pinehaven. Payment: Please make your check payable to the Pinehaven Planning Board and return it with the form on the next page no later than November 1, 2023. Your cabin address is important so we know which cabins need to be plowed. Your check should be mailed to Pinehaven Planning Board, c/o Mary Noonan, 510 Valley Drive, Heber City, Utah, 84032. Highway Cleanup: After several years of not having a highway cleanup due to Covid and the highway logging project, Pat and Glen Richter again organized a group of Pinehaven residents on July 12 to pick up 13 bags of litter, a few tire skins, and other automobile parts in a short three hours. Thanks to Jim Kemp, Becky Kilpatrick, Dave Kilpatrick, Dan Lowell, and, of course, Pat and Glen, for keeping the highway clean. Communication: The bi-annual newsletter has traditionally been the means to communicate with property owners. It's time to consider a website. HOA subdivision websites are remarkable - providing a format to pay bills, reference important documents, share information, etc. Jan Farmer is researching cost, including maintenance, and other website considerations for the Board. She welcomes your feedback and can be reached at [email protected] or 435-770-5853. Thanks to Coni Lansche for helping get this started. Slash: We also encourage you to contribute to the slash removal fund. Cory Larson again helped out Pinehaven by picking up slash that residents put out by the road. He was able to perform this service economically and efficiently, and we appreciate his services. In the past year, we spent $3283.55 and received $1330.00 in contributions for slash removal. If you have not paid Cory separately for removing your slash, we would welcome and appreciate additional contributions for any of your slash that he may have picked up. A trailer load of slash costs approximately $130. Trailers: We have also noticed several trailers in Pinehaven. Please remember that Section 12 of the covenants states “… no trailer, fifth wheel, motor home…. shall be permitted on any lot for a period in excess of two weeks unless concealed from view….” Board Members: The contact information for the board members is listed below. The Board is happy to receive your comments and thoughts on Pinehaven matters. Thank you homeowners for making Pinehaven a safe and friendly community. Chairman: Thornton Waite - [email protected] Secretary: Lyssa Linger - [email protected] Treasurer: Mary Noonan – [email protected] Building Administrator: Mark Searle – [email protected] Compliance Officer: Lenard Owens - [email protected] Maintenance Supervisor: Strat Roper – [email protected] Owner Relations: Jan Farmer – [email protected] ------------------------------ (Please cut here and return with payment)---------------------------- Pinehaven and North Pinehaven Cooperative Snowplow Fund Please mail to: Pinehaven Planning Board, c/o Mary Noonan, 510 Valley Drive, Heber City, Utah, 84032 DUE NOVEMBER 1, 2023 Name: __ ____________________________________ Phone #: ________________________ PINEHAVEN (cabin) address _______________________________________________________ Basic - $200 ___ Weekender - $400 ___ Residential - $500 ___ Slash Pickup (voluntary) $ ____ Total ________ Comments are closed.